Wearing a tudung is not an excuse to look lame and boring. Here are some of the tips to people who wear tudung and at the same time captures the glimpse of people's eyes:

A BIG FAT NO to heavy make up with those luscious blusher and heavy lipstick.Stick to natural make-up like nude color lipstick and just a concealer is just nice.

  • When you bought a selendang, make sure it's length it enough to cover up ur chest so that is the main purpose of wearing tudung. But say yes to bright color selendang. Bright color always win in making an entrance.

  • note: kinda like the latest cut of tudung 'gipsi'..(kalo xsilap lah namanya).yg ade pemberat kt hujung tuh.

    2. If u wanna hang out with ur friends,or going to class, the selendang with slim cut shirt(kemeja) with jeans and flats is nice enough.

    example:white kemeja with dark blue jeans and a sky blue selendang is good enough to be 'stylo'.plus stick with a long leather strap handbags.keep it with light or dark leather brown.

    3. When wearing baju kurung, selendang is not a good options. I prefer the tudung siti and please don't wear tudung tuh nampak leher. So2 buruk,believe me.

    By hooks or crooks, ap2 pun pakai,nak nampak lawa, play with the colors,be brave to try new things BUT please do abuse urself by looking like a clown. i mean the ugly one.

    AND, here r my tips, when u r done with ur dress up, look urself in the mirror(a full length,from head to the toe mirror), if ur first impression is good, go out there, model ur cloth with confident,but if it is the opposite, IT IS NOT GOOD and stop goofing urself in those dress.

    GOOD LUCK!!!


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