Longestttttttt Fashion Runway in Malaysia: 2morrow Fashion Blast Fiesta

Top bloggers in Muslimah Attire in London
Samy percaya most of my readers mesti pernah tengok American Next Top Model kan? They are famous for introducing to a highly sophisticated runway; ada yang berapi, ada yang berenang masuk air semua, but nothing can't beats runway yang dibuat oleh:

2Morrow Fashion Blast Fiesta Fashion Show.
I am talking about they breaking the record of Longest Fashion Runway in Malaysia with an approximately 405 meters. And for to add the 'beauty is pain' element, the models are wearing a 6-inch heels.

So the story came, I was officially hired to be their head of publicist for this particular fiesta. One thing for sure, the Main Fashion Show on the first night, was completely superb.
I shall labelled as the event as a posh event.
More than 50 celebrities locally and internationally attended this fashion show and of course you can see a whole lot new of Hijabis in one roof. One of them, is Mizz Nina.

These pictures were taken by Sayap Republik Photograher:)

Bro Amin Idris, one of the designer. Jubah yang dia pakai tuh, dia design sendiri.

Superbly chic hijabstar

Subanallah, how beautiful she is.

Ahya one of the top male supermodel in Malaysia pun join event nie

Kalau korg perasan, Muslimah Fashion Styling is trending in our Local Trend. Hopes this spread around the world to see the beauty OF WEARING HIJAB. Simple, we want to bring the IDEA OF MODESTY in FASHION:)
Insya Allah


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