MeLaKaDeka : A new abbreviation of LoCal Brands in OnE ROOF!

A three days fashion and food festival where, it gathers top local brands from food till fashion line stuffs and a platform to help these AWESOME and TALENTED people to promote and help them to reach out youths out there.
29th of August 2014 till 31st of August 2014.
WHERE is MeLaKaDeka?
Stadium Hang Tuah, Jalan Hang Tuah ,MELAKA.*kepada yg sesat, tanya org melaka mane UTC. It is across the UTC.
HOW to become a VENDOR for MeLaKaDeka?
Whatsapp them at +6019 321 99 25 or +6012 616 1384. Hurry up, the space is limited!
WHY must be a vendor or even COME to MeLaKaDeka?
- Exclusiveness. All these local brands they promises the exclusiveness of the design with a very reasonable ok, it is bloody affordable. Imagine a graphic t-shirt with limited design and some of them a piece per design cost less than 100 bucks while a limited edition high top fashion cost you more than 1k. YEAH PEOPLE, snapppp!!! it's true.
- Quality. One of the local brand I salute is, ABSTRAX! The shirt cost me less than 70 bucks and up until now there are no bulu's or even the shirt's colors doesn't goes off (ala tahu lah everytime kite basuh baju kan, our shirts will be berbulu like that kan! But they are not like that!
- IT IS LOCAL DUDE! Look like Japanese. They support their own local brand till the brand become so well known to the world. Proof: Just take a look at the brand SHU EMURA! OR even UNIQLO. Please don't tell me UNIQLO pun korg xkenal. Mmg makan jimmy choo lah jawabnya. So sepe lagi nk support local brand kite kalo bukan Malaysian sendiri aite?
- FIRST IN MALACCA. I had been in Malacca for more than 20 years, and there is no such events like this where they gather local brands together. So grab your opportunity!
FOR THAT I REST MA CASE! *Flip2 jaket.
Am excited for this festival. Kalo terserempak ngan ak, tego lah. Xmakan org pun!hehehe:) See you there Malaccans!
You guys can usha their instagram for more updates by clicking here
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