iNspirational week..debaters FASHION WEEK!!!

photo taken:3bp blogspot
WHOOOOOO said DEBATERS can't look candies and pleasant...This whole week of the VC cup held in UiTM Shah Alam really made my FASHION LOG becomes thick. Here are SOME OF the EYE'S Candies i MANAGED TO shoot:

I just love the idea of combining futuristic in ur sense of styling. aND this gal, wearing it WITH BAJU so creative indeed. reminded of VIVIENNE WESTWOOD creations

this gal is so beautiful with just a simple sense of styling, she managed to get the look...J adore her make up...wish I CAN ZOOM TO HER MAKE UP...HER make up ala-ala shu emura...

TRADITIONAL plus CHIC...the garments represent the 60's look in Malayan during that time (vintage!),,the flats damn chic..culture of LACE damn she managed to look so this year, while using the elements that people kinda FORGETS THE POWER OF LACE...the tudung so wanna hot piece..

the pres for this event. SIMPLE but she PUT WITH A LITTLE TWIST with the belt.. REDEFINE the true sculpture of a woman. better with a michael kors belt knot
wish can snap some of the dudes..but AM NOT ALLOWED TO DO THAT!!!!
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