Hats2,,,,the list just go on!!Philip treacy

photo taken:2bp blogspot
Predited dialogue: Hey, kate looks better than me!!! have to get a lace than this 'so couture' hat!!!
...Remember Westlife music video 'uptown girl' where the german supermodel wore those nice, netting crazy hats..Luv so much;).. So gonna talk about the royal wedding hatz!!!
BTW, hope WILLIAM n KATE, get a beautiful babies!!! Frankly speaking, just know PHILIP TREACY...
so here we go:
pHOTO TAKEN:greasy guide
hmm what do u think about this hat wore by Princess Eugenie and Beatric??? for me, hmm ya know what i'm gonna say right???-_-"
photo taken :annie and marry
david look stunning!!!love his clean cut hair but is that posh???hmm,kinda love her pony tail, but the hat??still speechless!!
PHoto taken: wedding pictures
don't know them but who cares..luv the hat gals..u rocks it: tangerine orange is the color of d the year, sapphire blue is a yes2, and the violet is a must!!
note: this century fashion statement: hats these days does not cover you from rains and sunshines:)
photo taken: hello magazine royal wedding
hmm, 'kinda having butterflies in my stomach'..maybe that's the way she express it towards her hat!! nope..
So guys, ur choice to determine which had played their best part in this wedding of the decade!!
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