First iNTERview with the industry people ( KARISSA SIMON)

KARISSA SIMON; freelance model and pharmacist student inUiTM Penang.
McDonald Bandar Perda
6 April 2011
10.30pm till 12.30pm
Just wear a simple cream cardigan with a tank top, skinny jeans and semi casual footwear, comes with a beautiful smile. She is an easy ongoing person without any DIVA attitude. So I interview her about her modeling career from amateur to professional (xlama lagi bah).
Sam: Your favorite brand?
Kara: I does not stick to one brand only cause as far they are beautiful i wear it but really wanna wear, i mean own the Melinda Looi's Couture designs. Can't afford bah.
Sam: Your worst experience in the industry?
Kara: Got one time, during make-up session for a catwalk, the make-up artist keep pounding lots of foundation onto my face until it look kinda weird and scary cause my face color and neck completely different.
Sam: The most challenging cloth to wear?
Kara: A black gown from Melinda Looi's couture where the dress can still stand on it's own after i took it off. I had to took super small steps during catwalk.
Sam: Who you wanna work with?
Kara: Betsey Johnson. She is crazy in her creation and i just love the idea of her girlish look. Most of her gowns are just super duper cute (while pointing some of her cloth at
Sam: Favorite fragrance?
Kara: I don't wear fragrance but I do like Marc Jacoob collection. Another one, i just don't buy things tested on animal, more to organic things like body shop. Wanna make something good about the animal testing stuffs.
Sam: Where do you see in the next 10 years in the industry?
Kara: Working with people who really passionate about their work. I mean really focus on what they do. Got this one hair dresser, he assume you like an object not a living things. He will trim, and trim your hair and say 'You are beautiful'.
Sam: What do you think about modeling industry in Malaysia?
Kara: There too many boundaries. They do care what people think. They all kinda secure in their creation. I just love crazy cloth with crazy people.
Sam: What do you think about Malaysian sense of fashion?
Kara: For guys, they are not that open when comes into styling. Take Japanese dudes for example. They just wear what they wanna wear, ignoring people judging on their style.
Sam: Do you feel shy during swim wear photo shoot?
Kara: Not at all. For me, when you are gonna shoot for swim wear, you gonna have to model your body not your cloth!
Sam: Who is the top model, you look as your idol?
Kara: (Blurr) sigh...Perhaps Karissa Simon(laugh)
Sam: Signature go and see look?
Kara: Stick to no make- up and spectacles. Ankle boots, tank top and skinny jeans.
Sam: Your life motto?
Kara: Wanna be shellfish by making sure myself happy first before make anyone else happy. I just don't like photographers who is not professional in what they doing especially the pervert one. They always want a bikini photo shoot, and for them less is better.
Sam: The best photographer so far?
Kara: NIX LOH. He is just so creative and do you believe, he did his work at his bedroom balcony only. More to natural lighting. Another thing I much prefer gay photographer than the straight one cause feel much safer.
Sam: What is your advice to the youngster out there who wanna join modeling industry?
Kara: Get yourself into beauty pageants first. From there, show off yourself, and be friendly. Try to expose yourself to the industry people. Most of the agencies itself, sent their models to beauty pageants first. Just keep sending your portfolio to any agencies you want.
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